Is South Africa Worth Visiting? 11 Reasons it Should Be on Your Bucket List

With so many options for places to visit when planning your safari or a trip in general, it can be hard to choose. You may even be wondering if South Africa is worth visiting at all when there are other popular choices like Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda.

Take it from someone who spent 2 weeks in South Africa, it’s worth visiting! In this post, I’ll give you my top reasons why you should add this wonderful country to your Africa bucket list as well as discuss my experience visiting as a wheelchair user.

11 Reasons Why South Africa is Worth Visiting

1. You Can See the Big 5

An adult male lion with a large mane is laying down in a brown grassy field and looking directly forward.

Seeing the Big 5 (lion, elephant, rhino, buffalo, leopard) is surely on most people’s wish lists. Luckily, you can see them all in the wild while in South Africa. The private game reserve I visited and Kruger National Park has all of the big 5 on their grounds.

Just be aware that some of these animals are easier to spot than others. Of the five, rhinos and leopards will be the most challenging to find. During my 2 week trip in South Africa, I was in the presence of each of these animals but only physically saw 4 of them. Others in my group saw the leopard, but it was gone when I was trying to locate it.

And, this is actually one of my biggest safari planning tips, have realistic expectations. Sure, it’s nice when you do get to see all the animals on your wish list, but it may not happen. You are at Mother Nature’s mercy and this is not a zoo where you are guaranteed to see certain animals.

However, the fact that it’s possible to see the Big 5 is incredible. Not all areas or countries have this same opportunity. For example, in Uganda, the only place you can see rhinos is at a sanctuary, they are not in the wild due to poaching.

2. It’s One of the Floral Regions

A yellow flower with about 50 single petals that are narrow curve up around the center of the flower.

Capetown South Africa is considered to be one of the floral regions (or kingdoms) in and of itself. When you visit, you can experience a myriad of beautiful flowers and plants at the botanical gardens.

You may even encounter flowers not found anywhere else. During my trip to the botanical gardens, it was a peaceful walk through some spectacular plants. I literally got to stop and smell the flowers during my time there.

As an added bonus, the flowers also attracted some gorgeous sunbirds. I loved seeing all of their colors while they enjoyed their surroundings. If you love plants and birds, this is a must-see place during your time in Capetown.

3. Delicious Wine

A white woman with blonde hair is sitting in a wheelchair at a table and holding a glass of white wine and some white chocolate in her hand.  South Africa is famous for its wines and is a reason why its worth visiting.

Another thing South Africa is famous for is its wines. As a result, a stop at one of the wineries for sampling is another fantastic activity.

I tried 6 different wines (paired with some yummy chocolates) during my visit to Groot Constantia Winery. Their tasting room is located towards the front of the property and is set amongst the vineyards. The award-winning wines were delicious and they had one for every occasion.

If you need a little food afterward, there are also restaurants where you can pair their wines with whichever meal you order.

4. You Can See Penguins!

4 African Penguins are standing on a beach.  Three of the penguins are adults and the 4th is beginning to shed its baby feathers.

Who doesn’t love penguins!? I know during my trip to Antarctica, they were one of the highlights. So, I was excited to get the chance to see the African Penguins at Boulder’s Beach while I was in Capetown.

While they are on a sandy beach, there is a wooden boardwalk for visitors to use in order to protect their habitat and keep people at a respectful distance. They were absolutely adorable, and I loved seeing them waddle all over.

From adults to chicks shedding their baby feathers, there were penguins at all stages of life. I could’ve watched them for hours and was glad we had gotten their early to avoid the peak crowd times.

Furthermore, in addition to the adorable animals, the setting is also beautiful. Photographers will love all the incredible shots available in the area.

5. Beautiful Scenery

Waves crash against brown rocks on the southern coast of South Africa known as the Cape of Good Hope.

While the savannahs are wonderful, I really enjoyed getting the chance to also see some of the incredible coastlines as well. The beaches and cliffs were just beautiful.

During your trip to South Africa, you can visit the Cape of Good Hope (the southernmost point in Africa) as well as Cape Point. Each offers coastal views and dramatic cliffs. It’s a great place to relax and soak in everything you’ve experienced on your adventure.

6. Learn About Apartheid

Apartheid was a system of institutionalized racial segregation and discrimination in South Africa that lasted from 1948 to the early 1990s. It was designed to enforce the dominance of the white minority over the country’s non-white majority.

Under apartheid, laws separated people by race, restricting non-whites from living in certain areas, accessing quality education, healthcare, or even using the same public facilities as whites. Non-white South Africans, particularly Black people, were also denied basic political rights, including the right to vote.

When visiting South Africa, learning about apartheid is an essential part of understanding the country’s history and its present.

You can explore this deeply moving chapter by visiting places like the Apartheid Museum in Johannesburg, where interactive exhibits and personal stories bring the era to life. Additionally, Robben Island, where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for 18 years, offers guided tours that highlight the struggles for freedom.

Visiting these sites and learning about apartheid is important because it provides context for the nation’s journey toward equality and reconciliation. It also helps visitors grasp the social and political dynamics that still shape South Africa today, offering a more meaningful and respectful travel experience.

7. You Can Go Whale Watching

While I did not have time to go on a proper whale-watching tour while in Capetown (they are available), I did get to see several whales from shore. Be on the lookout for humpback and southern right whales as well as orcas during your time in the city.

And, if you want to get closer to these magnificent creatures, I highly suggest carving out time for a whale-watching tour in your itinerary.

For more adventurous travelers, you can also take part in cage diving where you may even be greeted by a shark.

8. Incredible Sunsets

The sun sets in South Africa creating a sky full of reds, oranges, and yellows.  Shadows from the sun cause the trees to turn black.

Before coming to Africa, I had heard that the sunsets were out of this world. But I didn’t really understand just how amazing they would be until I saw them in person. Honestly, photos don’t even do them justice.

The bright colors that light up the sky and make it look like it’s on fire are just incredible. I don’t know that there was ever a bad sunset during my entire 3 weeks in Africa.

And, some of the most outstanding sunsets I saw were in South Africa. If you love watching colors flood the sky as the sun gently rests below the horizon, you need to come to South Africa.

9. Excellent Star Gazing Opportunities

After watching the incredible light show that is sunset, the fun still continues. When you stay out in the bush at places like Kruger National Park, there is little light pollution which makes for excellent stargazing opportunities.

During your trip, scan the sky for constellations and things like the Southern Cross. It’ll be like seeing little diamonds shining down from the heavens. Even without a telescope, they are spectacular.

10. Spectacular Birds

A lilac-breasted roller is a small bird perched on a white wooden post.  It has a lilac colored chest with various shades of blues, greens, and oranges making up the rest of its body.

I will admit, I’m not a huge bird watcher. However, I loved seeing the wide variety of colorful birds while in South Africa. I mean, they were gorgeous!

The lilac-breasted roller above is just one of the numerous examples of birds you can see during your trip. Each of the other species is just as colorful and cute.

If you love watching birds, South Africa is a fantastic destination to come visit to see just how many different kinds you can see.

11. Wonderful Animal Encounters

A white woman with blonde hair sits in a wheelchair and is wearing a grey long sleeve shirt and green pants.  At her feet on the right is a cheetah laying on the sandy ground.  Getting to have animal encounters like this is one reason why South Africa is worth visiting.

If the 10 previous reasons to visit South Africa haven’t convinced you to travel here, how about some amazing (and ethical) animal encounters. During my trip, I was able to get up close and personal with some cuddly cheetahs (seriously they are essentially large house cats) and even some hippos!

Cheetah Experience

At Tushkudu Private Game Reserve, they are rehabilitating 3 orphaned cheetahs in the hopes of releasing them back into the wild. As a result of being hand-raised by humans, these cute kitties will lounge at your feet and even let you give them a pet or two.

The reserve also offers a “walk with the cheetahs” activity where you walk (or in my case roll) besides them as they leave the protected area to go into the game reserve. During this activity, they are monitored to ensure they are displaying the skills they will need to live on their own.

While the cheetahs live at the housing area (which is gated at night), during the day the gates are open and the cheetahs can come and go as they please. They hunt for their own food and have free reign.

One of the highlights of the trip was getting so close to these incredible cats and getting some pets in as well.

Hippo Encounter

The other animal encounter I had in South Africa was meeting Jessica the Hippo. It is the only place that I know of where you can safely pet and interact with a hippo (one of Africa’s deadliest animals).

Like the cheetahs, Jessica and her companion Seun are not in captivity. They roam freely and can choose whether to interact with you or not. Both were found at only a few days old after being orphaned and were rescued and hand-raised by humans.

As a result, they are not aggressive and you can feed and even pet them. It’s an amazing opportunity and I loved learning more about hippos during my visit.

✅ Please note that I only recommend participating in ethical animal encounters and experiences during your travels. I did my research in advance and decided that both of these experiences were safe for myself and the animals.

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Is South Africa Worth Visiting for Wheelchair Users?

I use a small, powered wheelchair when I travel and was able to successfully visit South Africa (with help from an accessible tour provider). While there are certainly challenges to accessibility in South Africa (no accessible public transportation and limited accessible entrances to buildings), I still had an amazing time in South Africa.

I spent a couple of days in Capetown before going to a private game reserve and Kruger National Park. I felt like I was able to experience so many of the traditional things tourists want to see and had a blast doing it.

Check out the video below for a sample of my time in South Africa!

Best Time to Visit South Africa

Two giraffe stand in an open grassy field next to bare trees, making them easier to see.

The best time to visit South Africa really depends on what you’re looking to do. For example, if you’re hoping to spot whales along the coast, the prime months are from July to November, especially around Hermanus, where southern right whales come close to shore.

Likewise, for a safari in Kruger National Park, the dry winter months from May to September are ideal because animals gather around waterholes, making them easier to see. I chose to visit in September because the trees are still bare (making animals easier to see) and for the possibility of seeing baby animals (which we saw lots of).

However, if you’re after warmer weather for beach days or exploring cities like Cape Town, the summer months from November to March are perfect, with sunny days and lively outdoor activities.

So, whether you’re looking for wildlife or sunshine, South Africa has something amazing to offer year-round!

Is South Africa Safe to Visit?

A baby elephant and its mother crossing a paved road at sunset in South Africa.  Getting to see sights like this is just one reason why South Africa is worth visiting.

South Africa is generally safe for tourists, but like any destination, it’s important to take precautions. Most visitors experience no issues, especially when staying in tourist-friendly areas, using reliable transport, and avoiding high-crime zones.

I personally never felt unsafe during my trip to South Africa. However, it should be noted that I was traveling in a small group of 13 people with a reputable guide who knew the area.

Additionally, we stayed in popular areas of Capetown, and in Kruger National Park where tourism is common. Furthermore, we were always aware of our belongings, just like you would be if you traveled to any major city where petty theft can be common.

Is South Africa Safe for Solo Female Travelers?

For solo female travelers, being mindful of personal safety—such as not walking alone at night and using reputable transport services—can help ensure a smooth trip.

Is South Africa Safe for People in the LGBTQ+ Community?

South Africa’s big cities have a vibrant LGBTQ scene, particularly Cape Town, which is considered one of the most LGBTQ-friendly cities in Africa.

That said, it’s still important to be aware that attitudes can vary in different regions, especially in more rural or conservative areas, so being cautious about public displays of affection is advised.

Final Thoughts on Why South Africa is Worth Visiting

I truly hope this post has inspired you to visit South Africa. It’s a beautiful country full of incredible sights and activities and I am certain that you will have a wonderful trip just like I did.